Saturday, October 1, 2011

Life in Victoria, BC

So I recently moved to BCs capital city: Victoria, B.C. It is an amazing place to live, for multiple reasons. For one, it is beautiful, and is surrounded by natural forests, oceans, and wildlife. Aside from that, it's got a great community vibe, lots of cool shops, clubs, and places to eat. Since I play a lot of video games, I don't exactly partake in all of the local social festivities here, but that doesn't mean I'm immune to the excellence of Victorian charm.

It's kind of like an MMO fantasy land made real:

There's a horse an carriage, a very common sight around here. Thankfully they have poop bags.

Things are going well overall. I'm living with my brother in an excellent hostel, recommended to me by my sister's friend, who's a Kiwi and awesome. She also works here, so if I fuck up in any way, she'll strangle me to  death, but I won't, so it's all good.

Realistically, I need a high paying job, and for me this is a top priority. There are many ways for me to go about achieving this goal, and since today is the first day of my re-acquired independence, I can't expect it to happen all at once. However, the ball is rolling, and never before have I been so motivated to throw myself into the whirlwind of life in anticipation for climbing a ladder of success: a journey which will one day, hopefully sooner than later, lead me into a life where I have the freedom to host super lan-parties whilst bathing in pools filled with Glosette raisins, because it's not about having money and being popular, it's about having the freedom to do things that would otherwise be too ridiculous and costly to do. Well, I want to do those ridiculous and costly things, just like every other noob who hits the pavement with nothing but a pocket full of dreams. It's all about your motivation, determination, willpower, and a dash of discipline. A proper mix of these ingredients will allow for the most magnificent opportunities to present themselves in such a way as to connect all methods of livelihood wherein one has grown most accustomed to striving for, and obtaining such opportunities requires no small effort.

What is self evident is the fact that I love video games, and am inspired by those around me who share the same passion. I feel as though my generation in particular, as in those who've gone through life surrounded by this excellent form of multimedia, would like nothing more than to lead a life where the primary focus involves endless hours of interaction with said multimedia, but the fact is, to lead such a life would not be fulfilling. What is fulfilling is interacting with the community associated with this desire, and cultivating within it a renewed interest in that which keeps us all feeling the same enjoyment we felt as kids, sitting in front of our screens, with friends, loved ones, whether online or in couches, reaching those moments of escapism that allowed us to imagine such magnificent worlds, lead us to sleep with dream-like images of boss-encounters, heroic accomplishments, and virtual mayhem.

Here's to all the gamers, who, whether they know it or not, want to be together with like-minded people, in communities, conventions, forums, blogs, social networking sites, and all of the above. YOU CAN DO IT!

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