Wrote a lot of introspective hippy stuff a few years ago, and I stumbled across it today.
Kind of random.
Should probably get back into fiction.
And I also took this picture because my Jedi's a badass.
October 5, 2008
It will seem like small images being pushed back into a place where they cannot harm you, and they will not harm you, because they are just memories, just actions and experiences linked to external forces, including outside events and the actions and thoughts of other people. I believe we waste entirely too much time on discussing what other people think and why they do things, instead of focusing on what we think and why we do things.
But again, this is only a natural, instinctual thing, and you cannot expect to modify this process immediately. And you shouldn't have to, because it's not necessary to push your mind into any area that makes you feel uncomfortable or uncertain in any way.
In the thousands of years before us, and the untold millions ahead, think to yourself, why am I here? This is a big question, but do not let it overwhelm you. The simple answer is that you are a product of life, and your primary objective is to live. That's it. No more, no less; at the very base and root of our mind, we are driven to live. Focus on that, and love your life for what it is, and not what it isn't.
The more we get caught up on personal flaws and deficiencies, the harder it becomes to accept ourselves and accept the good things. And there are so many good things to see, feel, and experience. A good feeling is something to cherish, because it's something tangible, something warm and forceful that brews deeply within each and every one of us, some burning brighter than others.
You should not require intoxicants or pharmaceutical methods to achieve this state, but for many of us,this can be a necessary ritual, and in reality, I do not blame people for turning to such methods in order to feel happy and self-confident, especially since humans have been utilizing such methods for thousands of years to achieve similar results. But, as the golden rule states; always in moderation.
The more moderation we maintain with things, the more we can learn to appreciate and enjoy them, because the mind can only handle so much of one feeling or one experience before it starts to become tolerant of it, which leaves you feeling empty and wanting more.
If you start to feel this way, it's important to reach out, and grasp that something more. But do not latch onto it with all your determination, because that will only cause you to find a new distraction, a new addiction to fill the void.
You're worth more than that, and you're so much more important than the feeble opinions of others. Do not get caught up in what they say, because they will only cause you to feel doubt and self-loathing, which can cause a great deal of harm to your emotional well being.
To be your own person and have your own image is a greatly important thing in this world, and it's important that you cherish who you are, and construct a bridge of understanding between who you are now and what you once were. This will allow you to flourish as an individual and a force of creation, because as human beings we like to create, whether it be items of use, artistic works, or even life, we were designed to live and we were designed to produce.
There are so many things out there that many of us may never understand, but don't let that overwhelm you as well, don't let the unknown cause fear and debilitate your senses, because unless you're in immediate danger, whether it be physical or emotional, you should allow yourself to reside in a state of happiness and contentedness. Simply allow it to come, because you can only do what's in front of you, so if you worry about the things that you have zero control over at that very moment than you'll end up reinforcing a depressive mood. Break this mood through reading, listening, talking, or just thinking, and know that you like yourself, and you can step outside yourself and view your personal accomplishments from afar.
It's a beautiful thing when you can truly do this without interruption, because it totally carries you along on a mental exploration designed to better understand who you are as an individual, and what your individual wants are.
Once you have a clearer view of this image, and a more solid base of understanding in regards to the internal and external forces which shape yourself and everything around you, do not doubt your findings, as they may contain more truth than you give yourself credit.
By giving yourself the benefit of the doubt you're subduing any sense of failure or lack of well-being. And we all deserve to feel special and wanted in our own right, and there's nothing wrong with allowing these feelings to get stronger, because negative inhibitions only constrict us, and once you have a clearer picture of yourself in comparison to a clear picture of the things around you, then it becomes much easier to come to terms with a sense of knowledge and understanding.
Know these things, and repeat them in your mind as much as you'd like. Know yourself and then like yourself, and make that feeling so impenetrable, so obstinate, that no external view or judgment can shake or deter it. Live, love, and flourish, because you can step above anything, you can allow yourself to feel any feeling. It's all in the mind, and your mind is the key to your soul.
Our souls bind us to the very essence of our being, and allows us to revel in an endless stream of positive emotion. It can allow for the creation of a natural high, bringing us higher and higher from the darkened realms of confusion and doubt.
The less time we spend in these areas, the harder it becomes to access them, and in time, they may never hold us back from achieving and accomplishing anything we've ever desired.
As genetic material is passed on from one generation to the next in a never-ending chain of survival and breeding, it's likely that this genetic information is allowing us to become much more intelligent with each passing year, each passing century, as our bodies and our minds adapt continuously to the surrounding environment.
This means that as you grow older, all the things you think about and do will be stored into various cells, the most obvious of which are located in the brain, and being a living organism, it will perceive this information as being conducive to its survival, with the purpose of passing on such traits to the following generation of offspring.
This allows me to believe that there is hope for humanity. Although things are so exceedingly materialistic and overblown with glamour and image, I don't think this will last forever. I would like nothing more than to believe that somewhere down the road there will be another 'enlightenment' or 'renaissance' in which human beings begin to detach from their rabid pursuit of wealth and beauty for the sake of vanity, and begin to deeply contemplate the forces around them, begin to really consider why things are the way they are in an attempt to further understand their world and themselves.
It is naive for me to think that this will occur soon, seeing as how things are the way they are, but there is nothing wrong with that. Humanity in general is in a transitory state, as we've leapt and bound over so many complex hurdles in the last 100, if not 50 years. If you consider that humans have only been around, at least as far as human history dictates, for 5000 years, our current information age is but a drop in the proverbial hat of human existence. We've developed such exceedingly complex devices designed to examine a myriad different sources of information that I do not believe our minds are fully capable of comprehending the significance of this shift as of yet.
But, that is the beauty of evolution, and I believe this ties in strongly with the concept of genetic memory. As things get faster and faster, and human beings absorb more and more information, becoming increasingly literate, articulate, contemplative and introspective as we retreat into our own realms of understanding and knowledge, the world will slowly evolve into a place which values knowledge over wealth.
In my belief, such a world would be utopian. Think of how your life would be like if you never had to worry about money? What if you never had to visit a bank, write a check, deal with a credit card company, pay a bill, swipe a card, live with debt, mortgage, hidden costs, or anything... a world where your primary asset was your mind, where you were encouraged to sift through it as deeply as possible, probing the very root of your conscious and subconscious realm of thought.
I think this is secretly what we all want, because as it is right now, we're all bound by the green devil that is a dollar bill, and it looms above us like a blood sucking bat with terrifying wings, ready to strike and drive us into sporadic bouts of despair, greed, and conflict.
It is the number one source of conflict in this word, and the number one cause of divorce and breakups in relationships. That fact alone speaks volume about the subject. The fact that something as trivial as money has taken precedence over the natural human instinct to be with a mate, to feel love and give love in return, abhors me. It means that it is always lurking at the backs of our minds, constantly threatening to harm our confidence, self-esteem, and ability to enjoy life.
There are many in this world who do not have this issue, as they have managed to acquire significant amounts of material wealth, or they are stable enough to not have to worry about it. There is nothing wrong with this, as in our society it is only natural to desire wealth in excess amounts, but this may lead to the development of a mentality which seeks to demonstrate their wealth, and subsequently power, over others.
This is an interesting topic, because rarely do we consider the fact that there are those who gain a certain measure of satisfaction from exhibiting their personal wealth, and it makes them feel somewhat entitles to certain benefits that the rest of us aren't likely to receive. We've been indoctrinated through mass media and celebrity worship that being rich and famous leads to a fantasy life style, at least compared to those who lack such status.
Of course, we're all cognizant enough to realize that even the richest person might not be happy or content with anything, and that the poorest person might be the happiest in the world. But based off logic, it's more often than not that the opposite is true. The simple fact is; those with wealth are usually destined to have access to more opportunities, experiences, and items of material significance than those without. This is a simple fact, and it does not imply that wealth is a bad thing, because the truth is, we all desire it. We desire it so much, that we're willing to forego childbearing, limit our intellectual engagement, limit our social contact, physically harm ourselves, and possibly harm others in order to attain it.
Such instances of greed, theft, deceit, jealousy, hatred, depression, anxiety, etc., are very commonly associated with money, because as it has been said, it is the 'root of all evil.'
Well, if that is true, than wouldn't it also be true that valuing human experiences such as spreading true emotion and engaging intellectual pursuits in order to reinforce mental traits related to genetic memory so that future generations may get smarter and smarter, and less influenced by empty, materialistic pursuits, is the root of all 'good'?
I parenthesize the terms good and evil because they cannot be truly defined in a way that applies to every individual situation and every individual person. But in a nutshell, I would simply state that good and evil are polar opposites, and you can't have one without the other. There must be a balance, because as I mentioned in a previous stream of consciousness, too much of anything is not good, and it's important to take everything in moderation.
An appropriate counterbalance of good and evil may sound difficult to understand, but if you consider that within our minds exists the capacity to exact either force, then you can understand that in order to fully experience our realm of understanding as it exists within our minds, there must be no stone unturned, no door left closed. You must open yourself to every thought, every experience, as long as it doesn't harm you or dislodge your sense of being.
It is important to listen to your body, listen to your mind, and follow the instructions as an outside observer. Only then can truthfulness come, and it is impossible to expect everything to come immediate, as nothing is without a certain degree of patience, even in light of our present emphasis on immediacy and convenience.
In referring to genetic memory, it is quite possible that your values, morals, image, and beliefs will continue on in your children, their children, and so on, so you must understand that you are responsible for everything you do, and you can't expect to help anyone else unless you help yourself first. This does not in any way imply that you should make any immediate changes or deny the things that bring you happiness and joy, but it might be necessary to simply reevaluate them, perhaps manage your time differently, and even set your sights on the future ahead.
I don't like goal setting because some of us are destined to devise a system of goals which ensures failure, or they fail to abide by their goals in the first place, but since we are only human, this is only natural. Instead, just think about the person you want to be, think about the feelings you want to feel, and allow that image to flourish in your mind, allow it to bind to your innermost thoughts and permeate your imagination.
Constantly repeat this image in your mind throughout the day until it is so rooted in your subconscious that even thinking about it causes you happiness. Just believing that you could one day be that person, whether it's possible or true or not, gives us a feeling of hope, and it helps us develop into much more genuine people, much more sensitive and intuitive people; the type of people we really are.
Spend hours, perhaps entire evenings, just exploring your mind. You'd be amazed at what you can find there, and do not let the conflicts and problems bar you from delving deeper and deeper. Nobody is perfect and everyone has problems, so don't let them affect you in a wholly negative way, observe them instead, step outside of them, detach yourself from their grasp and simply examine how they may have affected your life for better or for worse.
Examine the world around you, the events taking place, the people involved with such events and what their actions were. Consider what they may have been thinking and how they may have interpreted the entire course of events, and allow yourself to overcome the entire situation. Allow yourself to step above it, step away from it, and put it into an easily digestible context.