'Boy... I’m like them huge fuckin’ lizards, you know? Had themself two goddamn brains, one in the head an’ one by the tailbone, kept the hind legs movin’. Hit that black stuff and ol’ tailbrain jus’ kept right on keepin’ on.'
Instruction in social aptitude was today's benchmark. Synthetic gardens sprawled in the courtyard with the same empty grace of a city block of sludge factories.
'They are then carted along like animals suspended by robotic tracks,' preached the Vizier. 'Like any electron forced to the strip of a conducting pathway, a soul is but a magnet fed to the slobbering jaws of a starving blob of iron sawdust.'
A flock of frogs raining from the sky differed only in terms of size-to-jump ratio (S:J).
'Poignant,' he seethed, 'like waste-bins filled with garden-gnomes, and swarms of green frogs fighting rats with an affinity for torched flesh. Who knows where the little fuckers have been? Don't even ever trust a gnome that has exceeded even one arm's length in height, or you'll transform into a wretched old wench-bag. Whomever was willing to swear allegiance to her frozen tits was dead to the world; a blighted sap. Dilapidated and shit-faced, the lot of them. And not a overlord or seer of the realm was provisioned with the foresight of roundhouse wheel-barons.
A concrete mixer of applause was poured into the tight room. Some of the sharper voices in the crowd rent the air like neck-slicing chords converting magnificent beasts into evenly stacked containers of processed beef.
'Sights, vision wards, and entire fuck-tonnes of mental slavery. It is a beautiful subjugation. Observe how the dregs of foreign shores have all of a sudden sprouted with resplendence. Where there were once shadows and darkness, there now exist sanctified reapers donning the vestiges of civility. Not even a single gem is needed!' he said, face ripe with fulfillment.
'These are not analogues of sheep. They are dignified cogs. The poisons exhumed by their social circuitry is easily digested by the uncertainty of our atomic harness. We can tell what the atom is. Its position is uncertain, but Eternity observes her carousel of life, and her eyes are consumed by the same insatiable hunger that leaves greed feeling envious. Uncertainty will always prevail, and we must submit to her mechanical lust.' he explained.
A series of mechanical ligaments operated in chorus as the four walls of electro-negative discharge cracked like hell's whips. A great lightning arc burst forth from the shrine, penetrating slabs of steel and leaving behind smokey black rings.
Procreation of the wicked precedes the jagged box-cutter of damnation.
A concrete mixer of applause was poured into the tight room. Some of the sharper voices in the crowd rent the air like neck-slicing chords converting magnificent beasts into evenly stacked containers of processed beef.
'Sights, vision wards, and entire fuck-tonnes of mental slavery. It is a beautiful subjugation. Observe how the dregs of foreign shores have all of a sudden sprouted with resplendence. Where there were once shadows and darkness, there now exist sanctified reapers donning the vestiges of civility. Not even a single gem is needed!' he said, face ripe with fulfillment.
'These are not analogues of sheep. They are dignified cogs. The poisons exhumed by their social circuitry is easily digested by the uncertainty of our atomic harness. We can tell what the atom is. Its position is uncertain, but Eternity observes her carousel of life, and her eyes are consumed by the same insatiable hunger that leaves greed feeling envious. Uncertainty will always prevail, and we must submit to her mechanical lust.' he explained.
A series of mechanical ligaments operated in chorus as the four walls of electro-negative discharge cracked like hell's whips. A great lightning arc burst forth from the shrine, penetrating slabs of steel and leaving behind smokey black rings.
Procreation of the wicked precedes the jagged box-cutter of damnation.